Signed in as:
Signed in as:
(Revised and approved by membership 10/2023)
The name of this organization shall be The Parker County Women’s and Newcomers’ Club.
ARTICLE II - Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to provide social and service contacts for new citizens and for all other Parker County women, thereby creating friendships and social groups for them and assisting them to integrate into the community. PCWNC’s main service focus is a Weatherford College Scholarship Program which is supported by donations and various fund-raisers throughout the year and is given to a non-traditional aged students selected by the scholarship committee.
ARTICLE III - Membership
All women living in Parker County and surrounding areas are eligible for membership by filling out an application and paying annual dues. Membership may be retained by paying annual dues.
Dues shall be paid annually prior to the due date of August 1. Notice will be given 30 days before the date. Any member whose dues remain unpaid as of the August meeting will no longer be considered a member. Members may be reinstated upon payment of full annual dues. Due date for inclusion in the Membership Directory may be set for an earlier date determined by the Board and members will be given 30 days’ notice before that date.
ARTICLE V - Meetings
Regular meetings of the club shall be held once monthly. The meeting shall consist of a luncheon, business meeting, and a program. Anyone who is unable to attend a luncheon after making a reservation with the Membership Communications committee must cancel through that committee. If a cancellation is not made prior to the deadline, the member must pay for her reservation. The Executive Board and Standing Committee Chairs shall meet once a month. The meeting time and/or place of the regular meeting or Executive Board meeting may be changed by the Executive Board.
ARTICLE VI - Election of Officers
The term of office shall be one year (September through August of the following year). Elected officers may serve no more than two consecutive terms without the specific approval of the Executive Board. A nominating committee made up of five (5) members (three non-board members and two board members) will be appointed by the Executive Board and presented to general membership in June. In July, this committee will present a list of candidates to be voted on by the general membership. Suggestions for nominations or volunteers for these positions may be made to a Nominating Committee member prior to the July meeting. Membership shall elect officers in July, and installation of the officers shall be held at the first meeting in September. Newly elected board members will preside at the September meeting. A joint board meeting of officers and officers-elect shall be held in August. Votes of both outgoing and incoming officers shall be counted in the August board meeting. Any member may attend any board meeting but shall not have a vote.
ARTICLE VII - Duties of Officers
The President shall preside at all meetings and act as chairwoman of the Executive Board. She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee and shall receive notice of all committee meetings. She shall have authority to sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer.
The First Vice President-Membership is the membership and hospitality chairwoman. She is in charge of securing the names of prospective members and inviting them to attend and join the club. She shall be in charge of meeting and greeting members and introducing first time visitors to the club. She shall preside at official club functions in the absence of the President and be responsible for keeping the guest book and membership database. She shall keep a record of dues paid and give thirty days’ notice to members of their upcoming dues. She will give a list of new members and updates on changes of address, phone numbers, etc. to the First Vice President-Publications.
The First Vice President-Publications is in charge of managing the production and publication of the membership directory. She shall manage the compiling and sending of the monthly newsletter. She shall set a deadline for receipt of information, and she shall manage the maintenance of the club website.
The Second Vice President-Programs is responsible for scheduling the monthly general meeting programs to coincide with her term of office. She will communicate with the venue and specify necessary meeting arrangements.
The Second Vice President-Fund Raising shall be tasked with raising monies to fund the Scholarships awarded to candidates at Weatherford College as selected by the Scholarship committee and the Executive Board. She shall be a member of the Scholarship committee and work in conjunction with the Scholarship Chairwoman. She shall abide by all state and county regulations regarding raffles, silent auctions and fundraising.
The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the club and Executive Board and report the same. She shall conduct all general correspondence of the club, sending thank you notes when applicable. Members should notify her when these are necessary. She shall be responsible for obtaining the gift for the outgoing President.
The Treasurer shall be in charge of receiving and disbursing all monies of the club, prepare all tax returns, and develop an annual budget for the Executive Board’s approval. The Club shall not underwrite the expense of any alcoholic beverages. In her absence, she is responsible for delivering the checkbook to the President, and she shall designate a member to fulfill her duties at the general meeting and executive board meeting. No monies shall be taken out of the club treasury for gifts or donations to members in case of death of a member or her immediate family without majority consent of the Executive Board.
The Honorary Advisor to the Board shall be the immediate past President. She should be at Executive Board and General meetings to advise the active President and the Board. If the immediate past President cannot serve the President shall appoint an advisor to serve a one-year term. This advisor must have served as an officer previously and have been a member of this club for no less than three (3) years.
All officers are required to attend both Board and General meetings. Any officer who is unable to attend should notify the President and, if necessary, contact someone to attend to duties for her. Excessive absence and failure to fulfill the duties of her position without a legitimate excuse grants the Executive Board authority to appoint another officer and request the resignation of the delinquent officer.
ARTICLE VIII - Standing Committees
Section 1. Standing committees may consist of one or more persons and shall be created by the Executive Board as may be required to promote the purpose and interest of the club. The chairwoman of each standing committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board and Nominating Committee and their terms of office shall be one year, no more than two consecutive years, corresponding with that of the Executive Board unless given specific approval of the Executive Board.
Section 2. The standing committees and their duties may include the following:
Historian. She shall be responsible for collecting pictures and items of interest about the club and placing them in a scrapbook.
Membership Communications. The Membership communications chairwoman shall accept reservations for luncheons and be responsible for turning in the final reservations to the President, Treasurer, caterer, and venue.
Publications. The committee is responsible for producing and publishing the Membership Directory, compiling and sending the monthly newsletter, and maintaining the club website.
Publicity. She shall be in charge of publicity which includes reporting club meetings and functions to news media.
Scholarship. The committee is responsible for screening applications and for selecting Scholarship Recipient(s). All scholarship awards will be approved by the Executive Board. All monies shall be deposited in the Club Treasury, and the Treasurer will be responsible for recording and disbursing all funds.
Special Events. Each special event chairwoman shall be responsible for planning and coordinating. She will be assisted by a committee of volunteers. Each special event chairwoman shall consult the treasurer for her budget prior to planning each event.
Sunshine and Shadows. She shall call or send cards with condolence and congratulations to members as needed. Members should report any needs or accomplishments to the Sunshine and Shadows Chairwoman. At each general meeting, she will give a sunshine and shadows report, recognize those with birthdays, and be responsible for providing a door prize.
A majority of those who participate at any regular meeting constitutes a quorum. A majority vote of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum (four or more). The Executive Board may choose to use electronic voting. A quorum of the electronic voting shall be a majority of members responding.
ARTICLE X - Changes in By-Laws
Suggested changes in By-Laws shall be presented in writing to the Executive Board for approval. Club Members will be given notice of the prospective changes at least seven days prior to the vote. A vote shall be taken and results presented to the membership.
Standing Rules
1. This organization shall be the sole owner of any purchased property. Such property shall not be subject to rental or borrowing.
2. No political campaigning or endorsement of any political candidate will be allowed at any time.
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